Submit A Member Directory Listing

The Member Online Directory is an exclusive benefit for Greater West Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce Members.

If you have not joined the Chamber, or if your membership may have lapsed, please join the Chamber or renew your membership before submitting your Member Directory Listing.

There are two convenient options to join or rejoin the Chamber:

Please use the following form to submit or update your member directory listing.

If you have any questions, please contact Suzanne Levine at 248.626.3636.

Step 1 of 2

  • Chamber Member Information

    The next two items must match the information associated with your Chamber membership and will be used to tie the listing to your membership. Both fields are required (*).
  • Member Website Listing Information

    The following entries refer to your listing in the Chamber online directory, which may, at your option, be different than the information associated with your Chamber membership.

    Required fields are identified with an asterisk (*)

  • Optional website address
    The address must include the "http://" Example:
  • An optional second link to a website address or a document (pdf format is recommend) to be included in the listing. Possible uses include:
    - A link to an online brochure or restaurant menu
    - A link to a Facebook page

    Note: For this feature to work as intended, the URL address needs to be "persistent", i.e. the address itself remains the same whenever the content at the address is updated.

    The address must include the "http://" Example:
  • A title for the optional Second URL such as "Download our brochure", "View our menu", "Visit us on Facebook", or "View our specials". (Do not include quotes as part of your submission).
  • Optional contact name
  • Optional contact email address

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