January 30, 2018 B.I.G. Event

The following information was provided by the presenters at our Greater West Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce B.I.G kick-off event on January 30, 2018:

Greg Doyle, Manager, One Stop Shop Business Center, Tech248 Initiative

Oakland County, Michigan Government

Phone (248) 858-0783


Our web address:  www.Advantageoakland.com

Tech248 information: https://www.oakgov.com/advantageoakland/programs/Pages/tech248.aspx

Workshops: https://www.oakgov.com/advantageoakland/Pages/all-events.aspx

Andy Meisner, Oakland County Treasurer

Our online link for all things Treasurer is: www.oakgov.com/treasurer.  We also encourage people to follow Andy on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/oakgovmeisner/  and on Twitter @OakGovMeisner.

1. Oakland County has a strong entrepreneurial ecosystem, led by a powerhouse of resources to support entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes, including: Business One-Stop Shop, Automation Alley, Tech 248, Medical Main Street, and Oakland County’s Business Finance Corp. & Economic Development Corp.

2. The “Financial Literacy Bootcamp for Entrepreneurs” initiative of the Oakland County Financial Empowerment Center offers a variety of free services to Oakland County residents such as:

One-on-one financial literacy counseling specifically tailored to individuals’ goals and needs, including: strengthening individual and business budgeting and money management skills, and help resolving credit collection or credit score issues to be better positioned for financing.

One-on-one counseling specifically related to starting a small business, including: developing profit and loss statements, basic expense tracking for business, and assistance navigating the microloan application process to help small business owners gain access to capital backing in the form of microloans ranging anywhere from $1,000 to $250,000.

3. The one thing the Treasurer’s Office most wants the business community to know is that the state of Oakland County is strong, with strategic opportunities to get even stronger.

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